Recruitment Help: Guild Looking for Player
Here you can find help and FAQ for the FF Logs Recruitment function. This article focuses on support for statics looking for players.
Setting up a Static Recruitment Profile
Your profile is what players will see when they look through statics. You’ll want to be sure the information you include is clear and accurate, as this is what represents you to potential recruits!
This section is for you to detail various information about your static. Many choose to include information about the static’s notable achievements, loot management, roster handling and size, and environment. This is also where you should include any contact information, such as Discord ID.
Here, you can enter what type of content your static is looking for players for.
Your static’s primary language.
Before you set your schedule, be sure that you have your proper time zone selected. Then, you can begin setting your schedule.
Each raid day and time can be set separately or together at once. The Start time should be set using 24-hour format. The duration is the length of that raid session. Once you are finished, click Save Changes to view your schedule in the format that players will see it in.
Matches between players and statics will not be made if schedules are incompatible.
Lastly, you’ll select which classes and specs you are looking for. In the recruitment section, click "Add spot". Here, you can define the number of spots for a role, which jobs you are looking for to fill that role, and how much you need that job.
When you are finished, click "Save changes". You may add another spot by repeating this process.
How to Search for Players
Once you have selected your static’s recruitment needs, clicking search will sort compatible players based on your criteria. You may filter a specific specialization using the dropdown menu. From here, you can scroll through your matches. To view their player profile, click on the view player button.
Why Can’t I Search?
To use the Recruitment function, you will need to have a FF Logs account with your Lodestone account connected. Information on how to set up your account can be found here.
You also must also have a character that is a member of the static you are trying to search for members under. Information on creating a static on the site can be found here.
Only static members with the rank of officer or above will be able to change the static’s recruitment criteria, however, any member of the static can use the search function!
Private Log Information
If a player has private logs, you will still be able to view some information about their performance-- best historical percent average, median historical percent average, or all stars percent average will be visible, depending on what metric you search with.
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