Aberrus Guides on Warcraft Logs
The second raid of Dragonflight, Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible is released this week! We are back with updated Mythic Trap and Wipefest guides.
You can find the Mythic Trap guides in our header under Raid Guides, and use Wipefests mechanical insights after you've stepped into the raid.
Browse through normal, heroic, or mythic difficulty guides with our front page dropdown.
Mythic Trap
Mythic Traps guides are hosted on both Warcraft Logs and Mythic Trap. They are also available in several languages, such as English, German, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback!
Help your raid conquer Aberrus by getting an in-depth analysis of every boss' mechanics and how you deal with them. Combine the personalized analysis with the visual guides of Mythic Trap to increase your raids success in the upcoming Dragonflight raid.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
We are ready for the upcoming 9 bosses in Aberrus! Are you? Prepare yourself with our visual guides below.
This image shows you the wings of Aberrus. Which boss order will you do?
Kazzara, the Hellforged
This is the first boss in Aberrus. Our in-depth visual guide will show you what to expect before entering the raid. Wipefest has analysis for boss cone damage taken, Dread Rifts damage, tons of unnecessary damage analysis, and unnecessary deaths.
Check out Kazzara rankings on Warcraft Logs.
The Amalgamation Chamber
This is one of the potential second bosses of the raid. You'll be able to choose between Amalgamation Chamber and The Zaqali Assault. The Mythic Trap guide goes through the two phases and how to deal with all the mechanics. Our Wipefest analysis gives you information on avoidable damage, soaks, and unnecessary deaths.
View the Amalgamation Chamber guide!
Check out the Amalgamation Chamber rankings on Warcraft Logs.
The Forgotten Experiments
The Forgotten Experiments is the boss after the Amalgamation Chamber. This is a 3 phase fight with 3 bosses. In each phase one boss dies, and the next one joins the fight. Read more about this in the guide below!
View The Forgotten Experiments guide!
Check out The Forgotten Experiments rankings on Warcraft Logs.
Assault of the Zaqali
The Zaqali Assault is a potential second boss of the raid. It becomes available after defeating Kazzara. Find out how to defeat this boss in our guide below.
View the Assault of the Zaqali guide!
Check out the Assault of the Zaqali rankings on Warcraft Logs.
Rashok, the Elder
Rashok is the boss unlocked by defeating the Assault of Zaqali. Learn how to best avoid lava pools with our guide full of example videos from the best of the best.
View the Rashok, the Elder guide!
Check out the Rashok rankings on Warcraft Logs.
The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
Zskarn is the 6th boss of the raid, unlocked by defeating the two previous wings. This fight is all about space management, so don't get caught in any traps.
View the Vigilant Steward, Zskarn guide!
Check out the Zskarn rankings on Warcraft Logs.
Magmorax is the 7th boss of Aberrus. Learn how to find the balance between space to fight the boss and soaking damage in our guide below.
Check out the Magmorax rankings on Warcraft Logs.
Echo of Neltharion
Echo of Neltharion is the 8th boss fight of the raid. Learn the boss mechanics with Mythic Traps visual guide explaining every mechanic of the fight.
View the Echo of Neltharion guide!
Check out the Echo of Neltharion rankings on Warcraft Logs.
Scalecommander Sarkareth
Sarkareth is the final boss of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. As this boss has not been tested publicly, we have no video guides to provide yet. We're working on it as fast as we can and it will be live in the upcoming days! Expect our usual package of phase recaps and clear videos.
See if the Scalecommander Sarkareth guide is finished!
Check out the Sarkareth rankings on Warcraft Logs.
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