Wrath Dungeon Requirements
The below trash requirements are required for your heroic dungeon run to be recognized on Warcraft Logs.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in Discord, in our #wrath-dungeon-rules channel.
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Before first boss:
- 2 Ahn'kahar Watcher (ID: 31104)
Before first boss:
- 5 Anub'ar Webspinner (ID: 29335) OR Anub'ar Warrior (ID: 28732) OR Anub'ar Skirmisher (ID: 28734) OR Anub'ar Shadowcaster (ID: 28733).
Drak'Tharon Keep
Before first boss:
- 2 Scourge Reanimator (ID: 26626)
- 10 Risen Drakkari Warrior (ID: 26635) OR Risen Drakkari Soulmage (ID: 26636)
Before second boss:
- 18 Spitting Cobra (ID: 29774) OR Unyielding Constrictor (ID: 29768)
The Culling of Stratholme
Before first boss:
- 7 Devouring Ghoul(ID: 28249) OR Enraging Ghoul (ID: 27729)
The Nexus
The below requirements must die in the entire run:
- 2 Azure Warder(ID: 26716) OR Azure Magus (ID: 26722)
- 3 Mage Hunter Ascendant (ID: 26727)
- 4 Azure Scale-Binder (ID: 26735)
- 3 Crystaline Protector (ID: 26792)
The Oculus
Before first boss:
- 9 Azure Inquisitor(ID: 27633) OR Azure Spellbinder (ID: 27635)
The Violet Hold
Before first boss:
- 5 Portal Guardian(ID: 30892 / 30660) OR Portal Keeper(ID: 30893 / 30695) OR Azure Captain(ID: 30666) OR Azure Raider(ID: 30668).
Utgarde Keep
Before first boss:
- 9 Dragonflayer Ironhelm (ID: 23961) OR Dragonflayer Strategist (ID: 23956) OR Dragonflayer Runecaster (ID: 23960).
Utgarde Pinnacle
Before first boss:
- 10 Dragonflayer Deathseeker (ID: 26550) OR Dragonflayer Seer (ID: 26554) OR Dragonflayer Fanatic (ID: 26553).
Halls of Lightning
Before second boss:
- 10 Hardend Steel Reaver (ID: 28578) OR Hardend Steel Skycaller (ID: 28580) OR Harded Steel Berserker (ID: 28579)
Halls of Stone
Before first boss:
- 10 Dark Rune Warrior (ID: 27960) OR Dark Rune Theurgist (ID: 27963) OR Dark Rune Elementalist (ID: 27962)
- 3 Raging Construct (ID: 27970) OR Unrelenting Construct (ID: 27971)
- 1 Dark Rune Giant (ID: 27969)
- 3 Crystaline Shardling (ID: 27973)
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