Heroic Dungeon Requirements
We've implemented new heroic dungeon requirements for Phase 2.
You need to fulfill the below requirements for your heroic dungeon run to be recognized.
Join the Warcraft Logs Classic Fresh Discord if you have any questions or feedback.
4 Arcatraz Warders (20859) must die before first boss.
Auchenai Crypts
20 Auchenai Monk (18497), Auchenai Soulpriest (18493) or Auchenai Vindicator (18495) must die before first boss.
Black Morass
15 Rift Keepers or Rift Lords (21148, 21104, 17839, 21140) must die over the entire run.
Blood Furnace
9 Laughing Skull Enforcers (17370) must die before the first boss.
12 Bloodwarder Protectors (17993) must die before the first boss.
Hellfire Ramparts
4 Bonechewer Hungerer (17259) and 1 Bonechewer Ravener (17264) must die before the first boss.
Mana Tombs
14 Ethereal Scavengers (18309) or Ethereal Crypt Raiders (18311) must die before the first boss.
Sunseeker Netherbinder (20059) must die before first boss.
Old Hillsbrad Foothills
6 Durnholde Wardens (17833) must die before first boss.
Sethekk Halls
10 Sethekk Guards(18323) must die before the first boss.
Shadow Labyrinth
6 Cabal Acolytes (18633) or Cabal Deathsworn (18635) must die before the first Cabal Ritualist (18794).
Shattered Halls
6 Shattered Hand Legionnaires (16700) must die before the first boss.
Slave Pens
2 Coilfang Champions (17957) and 2 Coilfang Defenders (17958) must die before first boss.
3 Coilfang Warriors (17802) must die before first boss.
5 Underbats (17724) must die before first boss.