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Report Components: Sharing Dashboards & Components

ESO Logs lets you share entire Report Components dashboards, as well as individual components. It does this via a text-based import & export process. This can be useful if you want to let someone else view the analysis you've built, you want to display someone else's analysis, or you simply want to store a local backup of your work while you work on something else.

Exporting a Dashboard

To export a dashboard, click the Export All action in the top-right of the dashboard while it is in view mode or edit mode.

This will copy the dashboard's import string to your clipboard, ready to use later.

Note that if the dashboard is in edit mode and has pending changes, these pending changes will be included in your import string.

Importing a Dashboard

ESO Logs only stores one dashboard per user. You may want to save the import string of your current dashboard somewhere before overwriting it with another dashboard.

To import a dashboard, click the Import All action in the top-right of the dashboard while it is in view mode or edit mode.

This will open the Import Dashboard tile, which lets you paste a dashboard's import string into a text box.

If the import string is valid, you can click Preview to see what the imported dashboard will look like.

At this point, you can either click Cancel to not import the dashboard, or Save Changes to finish importing the dashboard.

Exporting a Component

To export a component, first make sure the dashboard is in edit mode by clicking the Edit action in the top-right corner.

Then, hover over any component to reveal its controls, and use Export.

This will copy the component's import string to your clipboard, ready to use later.

Importing a Component

If you have a component import string on your clipboard, the simplest way to import it is to use the paste command (Ctrl + V on Windows, Cmd + V on Mac) anywhere on the page.

Alternatively, with the dashboard in edit mode, you can use the Import button in the top-left below the title.

This will open the Import Component tile, which lets you paste a component's import string into a text box.

If the import string is valid, you can click Continue to add it to your dashboard.

Note that the import won't be persisted until you click Save Changes. If you decide you don't want to keep the component, you can hover over it and use the Remove control that appears.

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