Wipefest: Trial of the Crusader
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Wipefest support for Trial of the Crusader has been live since the raid released, and is already helping guilds everywhere analyse the boss mechanics in their pulls and work out how they can improve their performance and continue progressing.
Not used Wipefest before and want to learn more about how you can use it to analyze your Warcraft Logs reports? Read How to Improve Your Raid With Wipefest.
Let's dig into some examples of what mechanics Wipefest can automatically analyze for you in Trial of the Crusader!
Northrend Beasts
One of the simplest ways that Wipefest can help is by analyzing avoidable damage. It can also help to point out the consequence of being hit by certain abilities in case the fight isn't clear. For example, players fight Icehowl in the last phase of Northrend Beasts. Icehowl periodically casts
Lord Jaraxxus
One of the dangerous mechanics in the Lord Jaraxxus encounter is
Faction Champions
It's safe to say that the Faction Champions encounter is unlike any other boss fight in World of Warcraft. As Faction Champions plays out more like a PvP battleground, Wipefest focuses on analyzing mechanics such as interrupting healing and crowd control spells, dispelling dangerous debuffs from allies, and also purging strong buffs from enemies.
Just like in PvP, it can be beneficial to prioritize certain targets first instead of cleaving everything at once. The most important targets to kill are the healers (so that less healing goes through and prolongs the fight) and the Enhancement Shaman (to prevent
Twin Val'kyr
One important mechanic on the Twin Val'kyr encounter is
As well as if any
In the final phase of Anub'arak, he casts
Because tanks and
Wrapping Up
This is just a taste of some of the mechanical analysis that Wipefest has to offer, alongside other features such as player scores, event timelines, guides, and multi-pull analysis.
If you get stuck, we have an article of frequently asked questions, as well as a Discord server where you can discuss with other Wipefest users.
You can find me as Yax on Twitter.
Support this tier would not have been possible without emallson and Essk!
Good luck, have fun!