Preparing Your Static for the RWF
In any game where competition can be found, there are eager onlookers who want in on the action. FFXIV Is no exception when it comes to this.
Racing to Victory
The Race to World First is the title given to World of Warcraft's own competition to clear each new raid tier. The RWF was once sheltered from the public eye, but over the years, guilds began streaming their progression. This led to a massive event in the Warcraft space, one that is enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of fans-- reaching and entertaining even those who don't play the game themselves. See our Warcraft RWF page here.
Our goal at FF Logs is to use our platform as a way to bring attention to this amazing event for FFXIV. We feel the unique fight design and creative progression style is something that viewers will absolutely love to watch. FF Logs is visited by hundreds of thousands of users each week, and we want to connect these thousands of fans to your progression streams. We've started hosting RWF events for FFXIV, and welcome the participation of anyone interested!
Please follow the steps below to set up your Static, characters, and stream on the site in preparation for the RWF!
Account Setup
To upload logs to the site, you will need to create an account. Make sure to use a valid email as we verify your account via an activation email.
Follow these steps to import your characters into FF Logs.
- Go to the Import Lodestone Characters and Free Companies section in your profile settings. Here, you will find a code sequence. Copy this code.
- Navigate to the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone website and log in.
- Select the character you wish to import and go to its Character Profile.
- Scroll down to the Edit button and click it. Paste the code sequence you copied from FF Logs and click confirm and post.
- Go back to your character profile and copy that URL.
- Go back to Import Lodestone Characters and Free Companies and paste your character profile URL. Click import.
Here is a quick video explaining the process.
Static Creation
Within the drop down menu located at the top right of the site, you will find the Create a Guild or Team button.
Here, you can enter your Static information and create it. The Static can then be accessed in the same drop down menu, above your characters.
If you need more guidance, please see this article on setting up your raid team.
Member Requirements
In order for your progression to properly record to your Static:
- Over 50%, or at least 5/8, of the raiders present in a log MUST be a part of the Static.
- Players must assign their claimed characters to the Static in the Characters tab of the Static.
This means that ALL members should create accounts and claim their characters on FF Logs and be a part of the Static on the site. Players may join by using the Auto-join link, found in the Static's settings.
Logging to FF Logs
Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT)
In order to begin gathering logs to upload, you will need a program called ACT. This program will gather log data for you.
Here is a written guide explaining the installation process.
If you'd prefer a visual guide, here is a video.
Log Uploader Clients
In order to upload logs to the website, you use a client application. They can be found here. We have two options, either the FF Logs Uploader, or the Overwolf Companion app.
Uploading to the Website
You will need to use live logging in order for your progress to be properly tracked and displayed for the Race. When you live log, the client monitors the log file and uploads any new fights instantly to the website.
When you upload logs, you have two choices of where they go. You will want to upload logs to your specific Free Company or Static. This will allow us to tie your progress to your team.
Additional Requirements
In order for your progress to be properly tracked and displayed by FF Logs, there are a few more steps your group must take.
Enable Competition Mode
Competition mode is what allows FF Logs to track and display your progression information by exposing some information via the API (summary pane, wipe counts, best pull percentages).
Enabling this mode is essential. You can do so by clicking the switch on in your Static settings under Report Visibility.
Connecting Your Stream
FF Logs features streams on our Race to World First overview. For streams to show up in the correct place, you need to add your Twitch link to your profile page. This guide will quickly explain how to add it.
Nightbot Support
We've added support for a Nightbot Twitch command that viewers can use to get a quick recap of a guild's current progress. If you have Nightbot in your channel, you can add it with:
!commands add !best $(urlfetch https://www.fflogs.com/nightbot/best-percent/<guild-id>
Your guild id can be found at the end of the URL by visiting your Static on FF Logs.
Viewers can call best % info by typing !best in the chat.
Setting a Logo
If your team has a logo they wish to use, you must connect a Twitter account using that logo. You can find this option in the Social Integration section of your Free Company settings.
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
Follow our Twitter for updates!
If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].