The Archon Tooltip Addon
We are excited to open up early access to the Archon Tooltip Addon! This is a feature we've been working on - our in-game addon!
This early release is currently in CLOSED BETA and is currently only available for Season of Discovery. We will be expanding it to the other WoW games and making it more widely available after some alpha testing!
Archon Tooltip Addon
What Does the Addon Do?
Right now it's showing character parses, All Star Points, and world rank in-game.
This works both on hover tooltips:
Shift-clicking names in-game shows you the progress and Best Avg % for every spec they play:
It also works with the guild window, and holding down Shift expands the info too.
You can also right-click to open the menu and get a "Copy WCL URL" to easier check a character page on the website for more details.
How to Install
You'll be able to see the Addon tab in the Uploader. It's currently in the
- After picking Vanilla in the dropdown, you'll be able to see the Addon tab. The addon is currently in Closed Beta, so if you're on the list, you can download the addon and keep it up to date here.
Enable 'Install Character Tooltip Addon and Automatically Keep Up-to-Date" and we'll auto-select your dataset based on your characters, but you can opt-in to more.
This also shows you when the latest data is from, and how long until the next update. As long as the client is running, it will auto-update the data for you when possible.
Potential Future Features
We have some ideas for future features we'd love to do too! This step opens up a lot of possibilities for us, and we're excited to see where we can take it.
- Connecting Main/Alts
- More Customization Options
- Showing Guild Progress/Speed Rankings
- Recruitment Information
- And more!
How Long Will This Be in Closed Beta?
While we don't have an exact ETA, we're working on expanding to the other games as soon as possible, while working through the bugs we might find in early access.
Why Are You Releasing an Addon?
We've had it on our to-do list for a while, especially as the community repeatedly requested and attempted it themselves through scraping our site or abusing our API. That is not a feasible way to keep up to date, and it has been expensive for us to try to prevent. We're doing it ourselves as it is the only way to feasibly provide all this data, and we're hoping this can open up to even more in-game addon features in the future.
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
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If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].