About Us

What is Archon?

Archon (formerly RPGLogs) is the company behind many MMO analysis tools such as Warcraft Logs, FF Logs, ESO Logs, WoWAnalyzer, and more.

Leader of MMO Analysis

Our core mission is to provide gamers with accurate, user-friendly, yet powerful tools to help them and excel in the games they love. Archon strives to be the spearhead of the combat logging and data analysis community for MMOs.

Who is Archon?

Our story started with just one individual, but by joining forces with several accomplished developers from different domains, we've created a remarkable and talented team.

Passionate Team

As avid gamers ourselves, we’re deeply connected to the gaming industry. With diverse backgrounds spanning from developers to esports enthusiasts, our simple love for gaming drives our commitment to improving the gaming experience— for everyone.

Product Focused

We are a product-focused team deeply committed to delivering an exceptional user experience. Our goal is to offer gamers and enthusiasts user-friendly, yet powerful tools that help them excel in their adventures.

Fully Remote

As a fully remote team scattered across the globe, we've cultivated a truly unique company culture. Our diverse backgrounds and global perspectives enrich our collective creativity, driving us to craft innovative gaming solutions for players worldwide.

Contact Us

If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us at feedback@archon.gg. You can also email advertising@archon.gg for advertising queries.

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KatskratchesCommunity & Content Manager
VelCommunity & Content Manager